Scott Weber APM

Scott Weber APM

Board Director

Scott Weber is a Public Skills Australia Board Director with nearly 28 years’ experience with the New South Wales Police Force.

Throughout his time with the New South Wales Police Force, Scott has risen to the rank of Sergeant. He worked at various Police stations throughout Sydney, and was active in regional, state, and national operations as a member of the Operations Support Group.

While still on active duty, Scott became involved with the Police Association of New South Wales, and was elected to the positions of Executive Member, Vice President, and then President. He was later appointed to the Board of the Police Bank during a time of significant culture and structural changes.

In 2013, Scott was elected to the position of Treasurer for the Police Federation of Australia (PFA), the national voice that represents more than 66,000 Police Officers across Australia. He then went on to become the Vice President in 2014, the Chief Executive Officer Designate in August 2018, and the Chief Executive Officer in October 2018, a position that he still holds. During his time at the PFA, Scott led numerous campaigns involving industrial, legal, political, and welfare issues involving members and the community.

Scott is also the Company Secretary of the National Police Memorial, a charity that works with the PFA to support the mental health and wellbeing of Australian Police Officers and their families.