Qualification Reform Stocktake of Training Products (Consultation)

As part of the Qualification Reform being undertaken by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR), Jobs and Skills Councils have been requested to conduct a desktop analysis on qualifications within their remit. Public Skills Australia has conducted an analysis of 38 qualifications housed within the CSC Correctional Services, LGA Local Government, and PSP Public Sector Training Packages.

The purpose of this analysis has been to:  

  • classify each qualification into one of the three Purpose Models established by the Qualification Reform Design Group.
  • evaluate the extent to which each qualification meets its identified purpose and identify opportunities for streamlining Training Packages.

Further details on the Qualification Reform work can be found here: https://www.dewr.gov.au/skills-reform/resources/qualification-reform-design-group-initial-advice-skills-ministers

Based on desktop analysis and industry-sector consultation, three qualifications have been identified for proposed removal. Below is a high-level summary of the findings for these qualifications and the justification for their proposed removal. Public Skills Australia would like to invite you to share your thoughts on the proposed removal of these qualifications. To share your feedback on the removal of these qualifications, please click the relevant embedded link within the description of the qualification.

Following your feedback, Public Skills Australia will propose a project to remove these qualifications from the National Training Register and/or conduct further consultation to understand industries need for these qualifications.

Consultation is open until Monday 23 September 2024.

CSC20122 Certificate II in Justice Services

CSC20122 Certificate II in Justice Services

Findings from desktop analysis and industry-sector consultation:

  • this qualification received zero enrolments during 2022, whereas its Certificate III equivalent received a significant number of enrolments.
  • Only a single RTO has this qualification on scope.
  • The ANZSCO identifier maps to an occupation with a high volume of alternative pathways.
  • This qualification was mapped to an Industry Specific Purpose Model.

To share your feedback on the removal of CSC20122 Certificate II in Justice Services please fill in this survey: https://forms.office.com/r/h7XJL2EKrd

PSP50216 Diploma of Court Operations

PSP50216 Diploma of Court Operations

Finding from desktop analysis and industry-sector consultation:

  • this qualification received zero enrolments and zero completions during 2022.
  • there are no RTOs that have this qualification on scope.
  • this qualification has one alternative pathway to the identified ANZSCO Occupation.
  • the qualification was mapped to an Industry Specific Purpose Model.

To share your feedback on the removal of PSP50216 Diploma of Court Operations please fill in this survey: https://forms.office.com/r/Z0K2VBsjkf

PSP50522 Diploma of Trade Measurement

PSP50522 Diploma of Trade Measurement

Findings from the desktop analysis and industry-sector consultation:

  • the Qualification Description indicates that the qualification equips learners with specialised skills for targeted occupations.
  • none of the units in the qualification attach to licensing requirements.
  • the vast majority of units, including all the core units, are mapped to an industry-specific ASCED classification.
  • the majority of units map to Specialist Tasks that link to a large number of occupations, indicating transferability.

To share your feedback on the removal of PSP50522 Diploma of Trade Measurement please fill in this survey: https://forms.office.com/r/SxKt5yc5Za