

Across Australia, policing services are delivered by 8 jurisdictions.

Policing of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) is conducted under an agreement with the Australian Federal Police (AFP), which directs ACT Policing under its portfolio.

There are several major differences between the remit of state and territory agencies, and the AFP. Both state and territory police forces and the AFP comprise sworn and unsworn cohorts. Unsworn cohorts are made up of a public sector workforce.

Workforce Challenges

Public Skills Australia has identified that the Police industry-sector experiences the following workforce challenges.

  • Expansion of core duties
  • Technological development
  • Recruitment and retention
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Career pathways
  • Climate change
  • Public trust and perceptions
  • Competition for labour
  • Demographic shifts

Besides these, Policing also experiences an elevated attrition of younger police officers that is unique to this industry-sector.

Many jurisdictions have developed strategic plans to help address these workforce challenges.

The Workforce Plan 2024: Police will be published on Public Skills Australia’s website. Subscribe to our mailing list or follow us on LinkedIn to receive updates on the Workforce Plans 2024 series.

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Training Overview

Policing is covered by the POL Police Training Package. Public Skills Australia collaborates closely with the Australian New Zealand Police Advisory Agency (ANZPAA) to review and keep this training package up to date.

All police staff members and personnel Australia receive general training through an Academy or College. They can then undertake additional training for specialist roles as they progress their career in policing.

Click here to learn more about the POL Police Training Package.

Members of Public Skills Australia from this Industry-Sector

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Have questions or feedback?

Existing workforce strategies

ACT Policing, Annual Report 2022-23, ACT Policing, 2023, accessed 15 January 2024.
Australia Federal Police, Annual Report 2022-23 AFP, 2023, accessed 15 January 2024.
Australia New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency (ANZPAA), Future Workforce, Police Workforce Compendium, ANZPAA, 2019, accessed 22 September 2023.
New South Wales Police Force, Annual Report 2022-2023, New South Wales Police Force, 2023, accessed 15 January 2024.
Northern Territory Police, Fire & Emergency Services, 2022-23 Annual Report, Northern Territory Police, Fire & Emergency Services, 2023, accessed 15 January 2024.
Queensland Police Service, 2022-23 Annual Report, Queensland Police Service, 2023, accessed 15 January 2024.
South Australia Police, 2022-23 Annual Report, South Australia Police, 2023, accessed 14 December 2023.
Tasmanian Government, Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management Annual Report 2022-23, Tasmania Government, 2023, accessed 14 December 2023.
Victoria Police, Annual Report 2022-2023, Victoria Police, 2023, accessed 15 January 2024.
Western Australia Police Force, Annual Report 2023, Western Australia Police Force, 2023, accessed 15 January 2024.


This data have been collected through consultation with industry-sector representatives as part of the Workforce Plan 2024: Police. These figures represent a snapshot in time and are subject to change. Public Skills Australia Limited has made every effort to ensure that the information and data contained in this report are accurate, up to date and have been sourced appropriately. Our organisation will update these figures annually as part of its Workforce Planning function. 

Images: © State of Queensland (Queensland Police Service) 2022 is licenced under CC BY 4.0.