POL Police Training Package Release 10.0
POL Police Training Package Release 10.0 will see the update of two qualifications within the Crash Investigation qualification stream.

Project Overview (February to March)
Project Overview
POL Police Training Package Release 10.0 will see the update of two qualifications within the Crash Investigation qualification stream. These updates will ensure that the products reflect the current and emerging requirements of police agencies. The Crash Investigation stream of qualifications outlines the skills of police officers to investigate and interpret road incidents involving a variety of vehicle types, pedestrians and other external environmental factors. This includes officers who manage incidents, gather evidence and provide their analysis for the investigation.
The update to the POL Police Training Package will be conducted in collaboration with the Australia New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency (ANZPAA), the peak body of the policing industry within Australia and New Zealand.
Through the update of the Crash Investigation qualification stream, Public Skills Australia will support the Policing industry by:
- Increasing the use of products and ensuring they are implementable.
- Improving police officers’ safety through alignment with current practices and processes.
- Enhancing the capability of Police personnel to use evaluation and analysis techniques for motor vehicle incidents.
Technical Committee
Engagement with the Police sector is currently taking place. In accordance with the Training Package Products Development and Endorsement Process Policy, a Technical Committee has been stood up to provide advice on amendments to the POL Police Crash Investigation and Analysis qualifications. The Technical Committee will provide expert advice, grounded in evidence to assist in the design and development of the training products.
Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference for the Technical Committee can be found below:
Technical Committee Terms of Reference
Note: multiple members of the Technical Committee have had their identifying information omitted from the Terms of Reference.
Consultation Strategy
Public Skills Australia will engage in thorough consultation with stakeholders to ensure that their perspectives, concerns and insights are fully considered in the development process. Details of consultation, including mechanisms and identification of stakeholders can be found here:
Training Products in Scope
The review of the POL Police Training Package Release 10.0 include the following training products:
- POL50120 Diploma of Crash Investigation
- POLINV020 Collate and review crash investigation evidence
- POLINV022 Develop and present crash findings
- POLINV023 Examine a crash incident
- POL60120 Advanced Diploma of Crash Analysis
- POLINV016 Analyse complex factors involved in crash incidents
- POLINV017 Analyse crashes involving heavy vehicles
- POLINV018 Analyse crashes involving motorcycles
- POLINV019 Analyse crashes involving pedestrians and bicycles
- POLINV021 Critically analyse complex crash incident evidence
- POLINV024 Manage quality of crash analysis
- POLINV025 Present evidence on complex crash incidents
During the review, the packaging rules of the qualifications will be updated to ensure the units within the qualifications are all current and deliverable by Registered training Organisations.
Get in touch
Please check this project page periodically for further updates.
For any queries about this project, please email the Training Product Development team at: tpd@publicskillsaustralia.org.au.